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PCC Eggs part of community centred project in Detroit

Marking a new chapter in the collaboration in Detroit between Koen Vanmechelen, Wasserman Project and Oakland Avenue Urban Farm, eggs from the Detroit PCC chickens are now being sold at the community farm.

After the CCP chickens were presented in Vanmechelen’s greatly commended installation at Wasserman Projects in Autumn 2016, the Mechelse Wyandotte born in the installation was crossed with commercially-raised hens from Detroit, producing the Planetary Community Chicken (PCC). The poultry follow Koen Vanmechelen’s artistic philosophy of combining productivity and diversity. They are healthier, resistant to a harsher external environment and have an increased life expectancy.

In Detroit, Koen Vanmechelen’s collaboration with Oakland Avenue Urban farm provides a philanthropic support to the local community, strengthening local food security, sustainability and productivity of small farms.

Locals avidly tried, tasted and bought the eggs accompanying the local organic produce already on sale. The eggs were a fantastic addition, contributing and supporting the local community based organisations offerings.

The eggs are also to contribute to a range of diverse markets across the US – including the oldest and biggest farmers market in the US – Eastern market. Keeping the local neighbourhoods informed about this important community based initiative, each carton is sold with information about the PCC programme and ways for buyers to become involved with it.

Like many of Vanmechelen’s previous PCC projects such as those in Cuba and Zimbabwe, crossing CCP chickens with local chickens, the flock of birds in Detroit represent his artistic vision. They are a reflection of human culture, stressing the paramount importance of local and global. As the artist states “I think it is essential to continue to look for new ways to engage directly with people, to ground philosophical, artistic and scientific endeavour in the daily experiences of individuals and to position art at the centre of society”.


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