Since the 16th century, the Cabinet of Curiosities has been an important source of scholarship to understand the layout of the world and nature, but also a prestigious space exhibiting the most precious treasures of the collector. At that time, the imagination was fertile and the cabinets of objects traditionally classified according to their nature: naturalia (mineral, animal, plant), artificialia (archaeology, currency, weapons, etc.), scientifica (scientific study instruments), or exotica (plants, exotic animals, ethnographic objects), not to mention the monstruositez (unclassifiable oddities).
MusVerre rethinks the theme of the cabinet by exhibiting glass works that explores the facets of life. Through an immersive scenography, an illusion of skillfully molded stucco and draped hangings, the visitor wanders through several themes: The microscopic world, Under the ocean, Glass herbarium, Artistic entomology, Fantastic Menagerie, Memento Mori and La pharmacopée.
The curator also selected work by Koen Vanmechelen; Therianthropy, an artificial crossing that shows two entagled mesmerizing bodies that carry the transparency of life.
Exhibition Facts
Cabinet de Curiosités 12.02 ➔ 21.08 2022 MusVerre 76, rue du Général de Gaulle - Sars-Poteries (France)