Koen Vanmechelen is featured in the prestigious ARTE programme “Twist”.
“Species extinction, exploitation, arrogance. It's time for a new way of dealing with animals.”
- TWIST, arte
In this latest episode of TWIST, host Bianca Hauda meets artists who are renegotiating the human-animal relationship: artist Koen Vanmechelen with his renowned chicken crossbreeding project and the "Spider-Man" of art, Tomás Saraceno. "Twist" also features the human-animal hybrids of Miet Warlop, Marguerite Humeau and Patricia Piccinini.
The central question of “Das Tier und wir” is what happens when the animal, with its characteristics and abilities, is at the center of art? To find answers, ARTE traveled to LABIOMISTA, the studio and animal park of artist Koen Vanmechelen in Genk (BE).
Das Tier und Wir.
The Animal and Us.
Twist, ARTE
Watch the full television report here.