“Leading From Within,” invites artist Koen Vanmechelen as speaker in De Kluizerij in Affligem (BE). A unique 48-hour immersive experience for conscious leadership from 9-11 October 2024. The event offers entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators the opportunity to reflect, connect and grow. Vanmechelen will share insights from his work characterized by a symbiosis between art, science, philosophy and ethics.
Artistic expression and leadership
Leading From Within is a transformative experience designed to challenge, inspire and grow leaders and social innovators. From 9 until 11 October 2024 intensive workshops, in-depth reflection sessions and unique networking opportunities make space for personal and professional growth. Leading From Within invites 12 inspiring entrepreneurial speakers, including artist Koen Vanmechelen, who will contribute to the idea of working together to create a more conscious future for leaders and future generations in general.
“These times call for a new awareness and a new collective leadership capacity to meet these challenges in a more conscious, intentional and strategic way.” - Otto Scharmer (Theory U)
Koen Vanmechelen, Artist (Artistic Expression)
Marleen Denef, Laywer (Inner Fitness)
Bart Weetjens, Zen Master (Mindfulness)
Ine Verlinden, Expert/Coach (Concious Leadership)
Sven Goedbloed, Author (Sjamanism and Management)
Nathalie Delaere, C-level Advisor (Inclusive Business Culture)
Leading From Within is a co-creation from Innerpreneurs with Corporate Rituals, Studio Bohemia, TRAJECTUM Humanly Resourceful and Olivier Torfs.
General information
Leading from Within
9-11 October 2024, 16:00
De Kluizerij
Aalstersedreef 1
1790 Affligem