On 2 June 2024, the festive launch of ‘Mixed Menu Wallpaper’ took place in Genk's Nieuwe Kempen neighbourhood. This unique, participatory project starts from the rich and diverse food culture that characterises the neighbourhood adjacent to LABIOMISTA. The project fits into an overarching vision that, based on the connecting narrative and the opportunities LABIOMISTA offers, aims to transform the Genk-North district. With ‘Mixed Menu Wallpaper’, the favourite recipes of local residents form the starting point for more colour, greenery and encounters in the neighbourhood.
Mixed Menu Wallpaper
"In May 2023, we started the preliminary process of Mixed Menu Wallpaper in the neighbourhood. We sat down with local residents and sampled their favourite recipes. These recipes were creatively translated into various façade interventions and a recipe walk. Visitors to the neighbourhood can now see how the result of this trail gives King Baudouin - literally - extra flavour,’ says Natasja Maes - Community Manager LABIOMISTA. The project is part of Mixed Menu, which is developing a softening, greening and connecting route in Koning Boudewijnlaan, leveraging LABIOMISTA and the new Future Garden.
Mixed Menu's logo shows how we want to use different ingredients (pen, brush, tool, hospitality and nature) together to build a unique street where it is pleasant to live for residents, and where visitors to LABIOMISTA can move on to local hospitality and merchants — Koen Vanmechelen
Within this participatory track, city, neighbourhood and artist work together towards a common goal of enhancing the quality of life and imagining new alternatives towards a more inclusive society. "On the site, with Future Garden, we are building a place where science, art and “common sense” reflect together on thinking about “the garden of the future”. Mixed Menu explores how, in and together with the neighbourhood, we can translate this theme into positive impact on the living environment,’ adds Vanmechelen.
Mayor Wim Dries: "We are developing LABIOMISTA not only as a site within the gates of the park, but also outside it. With experiments and events, we try to gather new insights and develop concrete practices about living together with each other and with nature." Concretely, this translates into LaVieBreede (incubating life), an initiative by LABIOMISTA & OpUnDi Genk based on a concept by Koen Vanmechelen. This initiative will realise the further transformation of the Genk-North city district, based on the connecting narrative and opportunities LABIOMISTA offers. Together with the neighbourhood, an innovative, sustainable and accessible development plan is being developed.
"Mixed Menu is one project in this. Earlier, Mixed Menu Kiosk, the hands-on activation project for young people and local residents looking for work or wanting to get involved in the neighbourhood, opened in Koning Boudewijnlaan. Another example is Nomadland with its allotments, picnic areas and open spaces for events,’ adds the mayor."
By attracting both national and international audiences, partnerships and investment, LABIOMISTA can create new economic opportunities for local people in a region facing major challenges. Since opening in 2019, LABIOMISTA's revenues are fully invested in the public role of the park and in projects in the neighbourhood. A conscious decision was also made not to develop commercial hospitality activities on the site but instead to focus on promoting the growth of local businesses and neighbourhood initiatives.
"We invite visitors to come and get a taste - literally and figuratively - of our neighbourhood. My facade colourfully depicts memories from my past; with fragrant tagine and mint tea at the family table. In this way, I share a piece of myself with others, who can make new memories this way,’ said neighbourhood resident Aicha Berzzak.
Discover Mixed Menu Wallpaper
Discover Mixed Menu Wallpaper. You can collect the recipes at various places in neighbourhood Nieuw Kempen. A map shows you the way. To be picked up at the LABIOMISTA reception desk. Recipes are changed on a regular basis, in line with the season or activities in the neighbourhood.