DARWIN'S DREAM, St Pancras Church, London (UK), 2014
Darwin's Dream springboards from Vanmechelen ongoing project The Cosmopolitan Chicken, in which he uses the chicken as a universal...
Never Green - C.C.P., RURART, Poitiers (FR), 2014
There is no green light. Man has devised lots of systems – political, religious and economic – in an attempt to impose meaning on the...
Leaving Paradise - Art Sanya, Hainan (CN), 2013
The installation Leaving Paradise houses the Red Junglefowl, the first chicken from which all domestic chickens are descended. These...
The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project, Worldly House, dOCUMENT (13), Kassel (DE), 2012
Koen Vanmechelen was selected for dOCUMENTA 13. The Cosmopolitan Chicken project is on display in the ‘Swanhouse’ for the Worldly House...